Saturday, July 19, 2014

Upcoming Travel!

It’s about time to head back to the States! The past week we’ve been finishing up what needs to be done before we leave and now we’ve got some deep cleaning and a lot of packing to do.

It’s been a quiet summer here and we are so thrilled to have the chance to go back to Kansas and Nebraska for a while before the school year starts back up.

I’ve been thinking of all of the things I’m looking forward to when we get there. Some of them are obvious and most of the others probably sound silly, but either way I can’t wait!

Love being here in Haiti, but really looking forward to:

First doctor appointment for the baby à we find out if I’ve got a boy or a girl growing in there!

Spending time with family and friends. That’s a given!

Big brother’s wedding! à also means I get to see my other brother for 48 hours :)

Worshiping the Lord in our own language
à at our home church with people we love
à for at least three Sundays in a row
            à thank the Lord. We need this one badly!

Speaking in English everywhere we go
            à not fumbling for words
à not stressing out about getting gas or having to buy anything
            à prices already labeled on everything
            à everything priced in the American dollar

Road systems
            à Smooth roads, highways with lanes and driving laws
              à country back roads that do not have holes big enough to fit our vehicle
                    inside of :)

American Food, including but not limited to:
            à fast food (TACO BELL, here we come!)
            à steak and potatoes
            à restaurants of every kind
            à fruit (watermelon and strawberries!)
            à broccoli and spinach
            à chips and dip and salsa
            à …really, any kind of food that I want!

            à grocery shopping…. In a real grocery store. Oh, I miss grocery shopping!
            à clothes shopping
            à WINDOW shopping (my favorite kind of entertainment:)

Fishing, fishing, fishing
            à need I say more?

Entertainment for my dear husband
            à dirtbikes!

We must admit that we are most excited for the doctor’s appointment. We will land in Kansas around midnight and have our appointment scheduled for 8:30 that morning! What do you guys think… is it a boy or girl?



Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Kaebs are here!

This last Saturday (July 5), we very happily gave Duane and Amanda Kaeb a warm (hot?) welcome to Haiti, the place we call home

While waiting for them at the airport, I enjoyed my first cold Mountain Dew in almost 6 months! Courtesy of the Kokiaj market. :)

Yay! They've arrived! 

We are SO happy to have these two in our home for the week! They are our good friends from NorthRidge that we've been lucky to walk alongside in Christ this past year. It's a real blessing to have our friends come all the way here to support and encourage us, and just live alongside us for a week. 

Before they came, they asked what things we might need or want that they could bring. I mentioned a few necessities like Tylenol to help our friends who are battling through the Chikungunya fever and some diabetic lancets and test strips for one of our good friends. I also hinted that Ryan would love to be surprised by a Monster energy drink.

Well --- they didn't take that hint lightly. Looks like they bought out the store in Sabetha and filled an entire suitcase! Ryan went nuts. And they didn't forget about me, either! They brought three jars of pickles and Amanda made me the cutest pregnancy gift bag that included some maternity shirts, comfort food, lotions and other items to help with sickness. It was such a sweet surprise!

We and the Heckman family spent Sunday morning at the church out in the village of Grison Guard (spelling?). 

 Of course we didn't leave without being spoiled by Granny - she thanked us for coming to worship with her, her family and friends by giving us some fresh coconuts!

This lady is a true gem. She is a beautiful woman of Christ and I am so thankful to have the opportunity to get to know her and have her in my life.

After church, we all went for a swim at the Christophe! It was a great way to spend the afternoon of a hot summer day before the Heckman family left for the summer.

It's only Tuesday, but it has been a great week already. While we are missing the Ayars and were so sad to see the Heckmans leave this morning, I am so thankful to have the Kaebs here. Can't wait to take them to the Dahloo beach and share some more of the beauty of Haiti!