Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Day at Dahloo

It may only be Tuesday, but we were all more than ready to go to the beach. There’s been a lot going on project-wise on campus the past few weeks in order to prepare for the big team to come in on Saturday… and I could make some more excuses, but do we really need an excuse to go to the beach on a scorching hot day when our brains are all fried? I don’t think so. :)

I’m so glad that we went. Tuesday or not, it was a GREAT day to be at the beach.

It was a great day to clear our minds, and renew our spirits while being in the midst of God’s beautiful creation.

The view of the beach, endless water, and cascading mountains? BEAUTIFUL.

The view of all of that from a kayak? EVEN MORE BEAUTIFUL.

This may have been the best beach day everrrrr. Not only because we had such a great time, but also because the Royal Caribbean landed their cruise ship at Labadee today. That means WE GOT HAMBURGERS! AND SLICED CHEESE! And I even got a bag of 12 soft hamburger buns. AWESOME! Which also means that dinner for eight of us tonight was easy and delicious. :D

 We even encountered multiple jellyfish without getting stung, which is pretty impressive. I was at the front of the kayak with my legs in the water for about 5 minutes before I noticed that there were tons of jellies floating all around us!

That made me a little nervous, so I decided to put my feet back on the kayak. :)

So, that was our day. Not much to say but thought I'd share some of the fun pictures I got while we were out on the water!

P.S. --- Unfortunately we didn’t catch a single fish… It could have been because we only had fresh water jigs and have no idea how to fish in the ocean, but it was worth a try! Besides, Ryan caught a jellyfish. How much cooler is that? Can't find those back in Kansas! :)


  1. So glad and so beautiful and SO thankful you've got burgers!!

  2. Thanks for sharing your daily life and glad you are relaxing and enjoying God's beauty.
